Heal The World Digital Course

Are you a healer or reader that would like to have more clients?

Do you have a successful local business and want to help people outside your local area?

Do you want to help more people but not have to work more hours? 

You weren’t meant to stay hidden.  

The gifts you possess as a healer or reader weren't menat to be limited by geography. They were meant to be shared with the world!  

Now you can expand your reach and your income with this ground-breaking program specifically created for Spiritual Entrepreneaurs.  

You will learn the step-by-step method for taking your business to the worldwide stage, the beliefs that are needed to impact more and steps to your next level in business!  

This is the most powerful path to connecting to clients all over the world who are waiting to be helped by your work.

Show up confidently online!

Be known worldwide!

Impact 10,000s of people a year or more!

Let people around the world purchase your products and sessions!  

In this course you will learn about:  

-Why an Online Business and Perks  

-Zone of Genius  

-Your next level  


-The fears holding you back  

-Your online course & legacy


Also includes bonuses:

-Money Beliefs Audio & PDF ($399 value)

-Shine Workshop: Visibility Strategies to Grow your Healing, Intuitive, or Coaching Business Online ($299 value)

-Dream Big Workshop ($299 value)

-Massive Business Growth Workshop ($399 value)

-From Spending to Saving Money Audio ($349 value)

$1745 in bonuses 

Please note this is a digital course. All videos sent to your email automatically. You have instant access to all content and all updates for life. Each weeks videos are about 30 minutes in length. Bonus workshops are 30-90 minutes in length. You have unlimited replays and can take as long as you need to go through the course.

Two Ways to pay:

Purchase Here - 1 payment of $2598.00


Do I have access to any new files you add to in the future?

Yes, any additional videos or insights that I record in the future will be added to this course. You will be notified any time I add new vidoes for the lifetime of this course for no additional charge.

Is this the lowest price of Heal the World Academy?

Yes, what you see today is the lowest price for Heal the World Academy. Which means, now is the best time to take action and join in this course that will remove fears that are holding you back from showing up confidently online.

How do I know of Heal the World Academy is right for me?

Do you feel as though there are fears holding you back from showing up online? If you feel as though you are scared of being seen, scared of being hurt for your beliefs, or scared of judgments from others, or more this course is for you. This is an advanced curriculum, and it’s actually quite difficult to describe in words the way you will feel once you ascend to a higher state past your fears.

I'm not a healer, reader, or coach is the is course still for me?

Absolutely. Serving your clients around the US and World doesn’t mean you have to be a healer, reader, or coach, or even do things at a large scale. If you are working at a local level and know that having an online presence will help your business this is for you!

How soon will I start seeing results?

The course will begin shifting your fears from the first module. Likewise, all of the insights you’ll be receiving will change your emotional, mental and energetic state instantly. Broader life changes will come over time as you finish the course and watch additional workshops of "Dream Big" and "Massive Business Growth"