Becoming Whole Digital Course

Release the baggage that is holding you back!

Are you ready to:  

~Stop making decisions out of FEAR? ~Finally TRUST your gut and intuition? ~Give into the FLOW of life? ~FORGIVE yourself, others and God? ~RELEASE expectations and limited beliefs? ~Be in ACCEPTANCE of yourself, your life, and others? ~Be HAPPY in your career or job?  

Is it time for you to:  

STOP...running upstream peace the life you were born to live!

If this sounds like you, then start your

BECOMING WHOLE 12 Week Healing Journey

Discover: ~Forgiveness The way to create lasting forgiveness in your life ~Judgments Learning how to be yourself in the midst of others opinions of you ~Intuition Develop your intuition to connect with your inner guru. ~Guides & An&els Receive the messages loud and clear. Connecting with them allow you a much easier and peaceful life. ~The Flow How to learn to go with the flow and to allow life to occur without massive stress ~Expectations How expectations are shading your life and the 3 steps on how to remove them.  


Kitsy's most popular course Reiki 1 e-course included. Become Reiki certified and attuned in less than 3 hours in the comfort of your own home!

$129 value


Follow Your Bliss Workshop. Actionable steps to follow your happiness and bliss. It is when we find out what we want and live our values can we truly have a blissed life!

$149 value


BEing Whole Journey, the next level to becoming whole! Receive the additional 11 steps, roughly about 2.5 hours long.

$699 value 


Totaling $977.00 in bonuses!

Please note this is a digital course. All videos sent to your email automatically. You have instant access to all content and all updates for life. Each weeks videos are about 90 minutes in length. You have unlimited replays and can take as long as you need to go through the course.

Purchase Here - 1 payment $1598.00

Or set up monthly payments

Purchase Here - 6 monthly payments $264.99